A List of Performance Enhancing Drugs and Their Definitions

Growth hormone (GH) – this is a naturally occurring hormone that causes the body to grow but is also used by athletes as an anabolic agent to increase muscle growth. The use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) is currently one of the biggest issues in modern sport. Athletes such as Lance Armstrong and Justin Gatlin have both damaged the reputation and credibility of their respective sports. Athletes may choose to use illegal PEDs for different reasons and with varying risks. For more information, check out our glossary of the major anabolic steroids here, complete with uses, side effects, and cycling information.

Adverse Health Consequences of Performance-Enhancing Drugs: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement

types of performance-enhancing drugs

After 1 week, rats received nandrolone or placebo, and their behavior was observed over 2 months. Dominant AAS-treated rats spent more time on highly aggressive behaviors than the dominant placebo-treated rats. In addition, the probability for highly aggressive behaviors was maintained for the AAS-treated rats throughout the study, whereas it was decreased for the placebo-treated rats. These observations are similar to the relatively long-term behavioral changes we see in humans after AAS use.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Adderall Use in Sports?

Of even greater concern is the introduction of synthetic anabolic steroids such as 17-desmethylstanozolol, methylclostebol, and methyltrienolone into the market as dietary supplements. A partial list of steroids contained in dietary supplements can be found at The Steroid Control Act of 2004 banned most of these substances. However, we are now seeing novel synthetic designer androgens, such as tetrahydrogestrinone (35, 36) and madol (37). Because these designer steroids have not undergone toxicologic or safety testing in humans or animals, they potentially pose an even more serious health risk than the more traditionally used AASs, which have received some level of animal or human testing. The physical and psychological adverse effects of anabolic androgenic steroids (e.g., kidney and liver damage, acne, gynecomastia, suppression of normal testosterone production, aggression, depression) are well established. What physicians may not recognize are the potential adverse effects of novel, investigational drugs that are being used as doping agents.

What are ‘Super Agers’ and How Can You Become One?

types of performance-enhancing drugs

Most athletes dope for short-term gain, but what are the long-term implications of using these drugs? As listed above, all doping drugs have potential immediate or short-term side-effects and drawbacks, but scientists are still researching the longer-term effects they may have on the body. Some studies have found evidence of early mortality due to cancer or heart attack amongst Performance Enhancing Drugs previous long-term users of PEDs, but these are inconclusive as other factors such as lifestyle, and genetics may also be responsible. Part of the difficulty is in finding athletes who would agree to participate in such a study. One solution introduced in 2009 is statistical profiling, which essentially allows testers to create a ‘biological passport’ for each athlete.

types of performance-enhancing drugs

What are the side effects and complications of anabolic steroid misuse?

Sixth, PED use rarely brings individuals to emergency rooms, because the most widely used class of PEDs, AASs, rarely precipitate a medical emergency comparable to an overdose of alcohol or heroin. Thus, surveillance techniques such as the Drug Abuse Warning Network (25) do not capture AAS users. Collectively, these many factors may conspire to keep nonathletic AAS use https://ecosoberhouse.com/ out of view, and thus obscure the magnitude of this public health problem. Chemical structures of popular selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) of abuse. Creatine is the most popular nutritional supplement, accounting for $400 million in sales annually. Despite recommendations against creatine use in adolescents under age 18 years, its use is still common.

Why are anabolic steroids misused?

  • Some of the effects are minor or only last while the drug is being taken; others are more serious and long-term.
  • PEDs have potential not only for direct medical consequences but also for exacerbating other conditions.
  • In addition to AASs, nonathlete weightlifters and athletes also use human GH (hGH) and IGF-1 because these PEDs have recently become available on the black market at reduced cost (14).
  • Doping with erythropoietin may raise the risk of serious health problems.

In 5 other studies, collectively evaluating 801 AAS users, only 12 (1.5%) started before age 16, and 199 (24.8%) started before age 20. Notably, the median age of onset across all studies consistently fell into the narrow range of 22 to 24 years. However, the actual median age of onset is probably higher, because at the time of recruitment, many study candidates had not completed the age range of risk for starting AAS use. Stimulants such as ephedrine and caffeine are used by adolescent athletes for their ergogenic effects. (29) Stimulants are an attractive ergogenic option because they are widely available, easily accessible, and difficult to detect. Stimulants reduce the perception of fatigue and increase time to exhaustion.


However, with the continuing advancement of medicine and particularly the application of psychotropic medicines, the sports psychiatrist will need to become an integral player in this complex social, moral, and medical drama. Psychiatrists who work with professional athletes will be faced with unique challenges that must be identified, acknowledged, and acted upon in agreement within the sport to ensure the integrity of the profession. Diuretics, or drugs used to increase urinary output and flush excess water out of the body, are most often used by athletes in sports where weight or body size matters. Wrestling and gymnastics are two of the more common sports to attempt to utilize diuretics. Yes, if you take prescription anabolic steroids under the supervision of your healthcare provider for a medical reason, anabolic steroids are generally safe. Misuse of anabolic steroids can cause a variety of side effects ranging from mild to harmful or even life-threatening.

The SSTF, the Advocacy and Public Outreach Core Committee, and the Council of The Endocrine Society reviewed the Scientific Statement. In 2005, androstenedione was classified as a schedule III controlled substance. Unfortunately, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 allows many steroid precursors to be sold over the counter with minimal regulation. The emergency and referral resources listed above are available to individuals located in the United States and are not operated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). NIDA is a biomedical research organization and does not provide personalized medical advice, treatment, counseling, or legal consultation.

1. Participants and Study Design

The initial ABPs contained a standardised approach to the profiling of an athlete’s haematological variables (blood module) for the detection of blood doping. Since 2014 ABPs also include a steroidal module, which monitors selected urinary steroid concentrations over time to monitor for potential steroid doping. Cheating via blood transfusions was initially difficult to catch, especially if athletes re-infused their own blood. The arrival in 2004 of a test to detect allogenic blood transfusions meant athletes could no longer use the blood of a donor, however, they could still cheat by re-infusing their own. The development of Athlete Biological Passports (see below), has made even this method more detectable, as the passports allow testers to see the indirect markers of blood doping. The re-infused blood greatly increases the number of red blood cells in the blood, boosting the blood’s ability to bring oxygen to tired muscles.

Amphetamines – Alcohol and Drug Foundation


Posted: Wed, 01 Mar 2017 11:38:18 GMT [source]


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